Life coaching is not just for people in a rut.


Do you ever find yourself...

Constantly distracting yourself or "always so busy."

Spinning in circles, unable to break the cycle.

Consumed with negative self-talk or self-doubt.

Feeling unfulfilled and you're not quite sure why.

Often thinking, "There's gotta be something more..."

Finding it hard to stay present and your mind is elsewhere.

Too scared to go after your hopes and dreams.

A people-pleaser rarely finding time to fill your own cup.

A life coach may be for you!

Take our 3-minute quiz to see if a life coach is a great option for you.

We're here for you.


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Our Mission

Our mission is to help you lead  a life where you can truly understand and believe in yourself and not be held back by guilt, fear, or self-limiting beliefs.

To live a life where you not only allow yourself to show up as a human, but to embrace it. To know why certain hurdles are difficult for you and gain clarity on where your fears may come from so they can stop holding you back.

When you do this, life gets clearer. The path reveals itself.

Your mind stops racing so you can sleep at night. You can be present with your family. You can stop feeling the need to people-please. You can say no. (And not feel bad about it.) You think kind things about yourself. You lose the need for control.

And you begin to create your Best Life Ever.


Choose your path

 Regardless where you are on your journey, we have something just for you.

Self-Guided Courses

Begin with one of our self-guided courses to begin growth at your own pace. New here? Try our free masterclass Manifesting 101!

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Life Coaching Community

Get unlimited access to courses and tools when you join our high-vibe community for support, friendship, and accountability!

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One-to-One Life Coaching

Ready for more? Deep dive into your journey with guidance, encouragement, and support from your personal life coach.

Explore Life Coaching

A note from our founder

Listen to what Life Coach Meg Ellis wants you to know


Meg Ellis

Certified Conscious Life Coach, Certified NLP Practitioner

I don’t recognize who I used to be. For a long time, I led a life that didn’t excite me. I dreaded getting out of bed to fake my way through a failing marriage. I hated my 9-5 but was too fearful to make a change. I blamed other people for my problems and I was too invulnerable even to get to know myself on a deeper level.

What I didn’t realize was that I was coasting through life, unconsciously. I was taking the same actions, thinking the same thoughts, and yet somehow I expected my life to change.

You cannot change your life when you are asleep in it. Do you ever feel like you are asleep in your own life? On auto-pilot, just going through the motions? This is called living unconsciously.

It’s time to wake up.

At some point, I changed my mind and realized that blaming others for my problems meant I didn’t have the power over my own life. I paused the “zombie-mode” I was cruising in, and woke up in my own life.

I started thinking about my thoughts. And even as an eternal optimist (hello, Enneagram 7!) I realized that while I had a positive attitude, my internal energy was very negative. I realized how much I thought about what I didn’t want. Or what I didn’t have. Here’s the kicker, I didn’t even know I was doing this!

How does an unhappily married dental hygienist who hates her job and has deep-rooted traumas and fears keeping her in the life that was never hers…transform into a life-coach who developed her own methodology and a team of coaches to help people world-wide while feeling a deep sense of purpose daily and is aligned to a life of happiness, self-love, and fulfillment?

Find out for yourself

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